Thursday, November 21, 2019

Free PRIMARIES, How To Ad Authorized Users For Free, Past Legit Au Providers

Free PRIMARIES, How To Ad Authorized Users For Free, Past Legit Au Providers

I. Adding Free Authorized Users. An authorized user is a credit card that is shared and put in some one eases name originally it was for parents to give to children to give them a credit history and ability to get credit and BOOST their credit score to let them get their own credit.  Now laws changed to where ANYONE CAN BE ADDED to a credit card and get the history and you don't have to send them a credit card AND its now a law that the bureaus HAVE TO COUNT it as adding to your credit score when they tried end this practice.   
The older the credit card with good pay history and the bigger in credit limit the better. 
So how do you do this find SOME one make deal or whatever to ad you on to their credit card as an authorized user you can pay them something later after I get you money or sending them to me and will fund and get them big money. Point is get your self added to friend, family member, partner or whoever) 
  • Call or do online ad an authorized user
  • Ad your ssn, dob and name and put address as their own address and they can chose to not have an extra credit card sent out or if it is sent it goes right to their home so they have no risks and nothing to worry about. 
  • It will show up in 2 days to 4 days after the billing date ask represtative when normally they are pretty fast.
  • Benefit is they stay on your credit forever vs a paid authorized user which is only on for normally 30 day or more if pay more and they won't get cancelled and show up as cancelled by guarantor and we won't have to take them off so they can be added to your credit NOW and speed everything up and get you into funding FAST. 
  • Benefit to person helping you is that well blessings come from helping other and that's life so plus when you get funding and way more money then they have they will be glad you helped them back later. 
What happens when the card holder wants to end the deal they just call their cc company or go online and remove the authorized user. 

What's the downside? If the card holder gets lates on their credit or run their credit over 40% balance also know as Debt To Credit Limit or Debt To Credit Ratio ideally your want it to be 30% or less.   

II.  Adding Free PERSONAL & BUSINESS PRIMARIES these below are KICKA$$ for building credit its a secured credit card ie you put up your own money $5,000 to $100,000 and it reports to DNB & YOUR PERSONAL CREDIT (before your ready call me so I can help you on this with some key points to make this work).  This will allow me to get you set up on 2nd & 3rd phases of building your WEALTH.   
This in just 3 months will let me get you funding but its lets me get you set up for personal funding and your corporate funding.  Repair doesn't take long once get you first round of funding ie needing 4 to 5 open tradelines on your file then can get you set up for $40K to 50K initially and then with 3 months payments can get you $100,000 to $250K as well as your FIRST round of Corporate Credit $100K to $300K.  

We can speed everything up too once get you in the money by accelerating you into a full corp build so so in 6 months or sooner instead of getting just basic money above you can be getting $100 to $400K personal and $200K to $800K it only takes some money and can get you into Commercial RE and pull out 1M at a time on 20M properties etc, its easier then you think and so is getting you alot of money.  If you own a business and have cash flow you REALLY need to the secured cards below and let me EXPLODE your business credit off the chart.  Once I get first round funding can get you actually tradeline history for your business and age or get you into a corp and then the real fun FUNDING big money begins plus with your personal funding!

What your being guided to do will benefit you 1000 fold just have to do a little effort and you will actually start seeing money being created to you basically out of nothing, just have to make the right moves. 
>>>>>>> SO WHY IS ALL THIS IMPORTANT ???<<<<<<<<<
Well get this!  Now can fund you on your personal! BOOM, your business corporate credit! BOOM ie DNB which is just one of the business credit reporting agencies A N D then get money can build out the other business reporting agencies tradelines which this is 3 to 5 more WHICH MEANS... BIG DRUM ROLE>>>>>>  
We can fund you 5 different ways at the same time every 3 months meaning ie ALOT of funding.

Cash flow is the start of what makes people RICH and showing you how to do that with LEVERAGE!  Then get you into the RIGHT ASSETS that make you residual money monthly, with compound ROI Return On Investment and building your business and other business you start that are can be managed by others.  Thus you will be creating your Wealth and the tools to literally print money with money and have a SYSTEM, a Machine to make money.  Then can get you to the Big money in 20M and up Apartments & Hotels.   

The best Personal Primary is below but the more you get and do the better don't do less then $5,000 but ideally $10,000 if your serious about getting real funding! Don't worry your not losing money its just being reported to the bureau's to let you get MORE money at better terms and rates ad to make more money and stop having to kill yourself for the monies you do make.  You have to change your mind set and way you buy things and focus on really only buying things that make you MONEY.  
Which brings me to another point risk, risk makes people Billionaires, even the best hedgefunds expect to loose on 9 out of 10 choices but the one right one makes millions and cut the 9 wrong ones.  So if your readying this your obviously smart enough to have it sent to you vs a person who spent their time crying about how they got ripped off. What matters is making shit happen and seeing it, the losses don't matter keep making it happen. This is how it happens just do it. 

Wells Fargo Business Secured Card: Costs, Terms, & Qualifications
Reports to DNB  and Personal

Wells Fargo Business Secured Credit Card
Credit Requirement
550+ personal credit score
Maximum Credit Line
Up to $25,000 (credit line equal to amount deposited in collateral account)
16.15% current rate (prime rate + 11.90%)
Annual Fee
$25 per card
Number of Cards
Up to 10 employee cards ($25 per card annually)
Rewards Program
1 point or 1% cash back per dollar spent with no limit
Foreign Transaction Fee
Balance Transfers
Not permitted
Learn More

Other Best Secured Business Credit Card Alternatives Reports To DNB and Personal
Wells Fargo reports payments on this card to both the consumer and business credit bureaus such as Dun & Bradstreet. This means that if you regularly make timely payments, you can boost both your personal and business credit score. For more information on the types of business credit scores, you can read our ultimate business credit score guide.

fundbox secured business credit card
ondeck secured business credit card
kabbage secured business credit card
Minimum Credit Score
Minimum Time in Business
1 year
1 year
1 year
Maximum Loan Amount
Up to 12 weeks
Up to 3 years
Up to 1 year
Expected APR
38% - 54%
30% - 50%
40% - 80%
Approval Time
24 hours
24 hours
24 hours
Learn More

The number one difference between the two is that a secured business card acts like a line of credit while a prepaid business card acts like a debit card. This difference also changes the way deposits/collateral are treated.
For example, the initial deposit with a business secured card is used as collateral while the initial deposit with a prepaid business card is used to pay for the expenses. This means that with a secured credit card you pay your bill monthly just like any other business credit card. If you don’t pay the balance in full it’ll carry over with an APR charge.

First National Bank and BBVA. Let’s take a look at each secured business credit card in a little more detail.
Secured Business Credit Card with Larger Limits: First National Bank
If you need a larger credit limit on your secured business credit card we recommend First National Bank. Their secured business credit card offers limits as high as $100,000. However, you’re required to put down a deposit equal to 110% of your credit line and the card comes with an annual fee of $39.00 and an APR that’s typically higher than Wells Fargo.

Secured Business Credit Card with a Free Rewards Program: BBVA
If you’re concerned with earning rewards you should consider BBVA. Once approved, they’ll enroll you into their rewards program for free and you can earn 1 Compass Rewards point for every $1 you spend. Like First National Bank, the BBVA card requires a 110% deposit and comes with an annual fee of $40, waived the first year.

Also to boost your personal see below primaries that are generally not aged but the rent one can be aged back 3 years, they do call a landlord for some stupid reason but still it will benefit your credit immensely. 

TO GET FUNDING. We just need 630 Fico & ideally 5 authorized users at $10K Minimum and 3 years old minimum. Help us help you get money! Or a total of 4 or 5 good accounts if you ideally have some good accounts already on your file. 

III.  Free Primaries   (some can be aged which you want to do)

1. My Jewelers Club --
a. $5000 Credit Limit
b. Online only
c. Guaranteed Approval
d. Membership fee of $99
e. Min order of $100
g. Reports on the 1st business day of each month

2. Drink Still --
a. $10,000 - $20,000 credit line
b. Online Retail only
c. Guaranteed approval
d. Membership fee $350
f. Reports 1st and 15th each month

All of these companies offer you a line of credit and is in business to help build your credit.

*SEASONED OR BACKDATED TRADELINE -- the only company is Drink Still. An additional $300 it can be backdated for 12 months showing $25 per month payment -- paid in full. Here's how it works; after you are a member you email them directly and in the subject line put EXISTING COD CUSTOMER, and just email you need to update all of your past payment history. You need to do this only after you are a member, because you will provide them you're your member number. THAT'S IT, they will respond that you have a balance of $300 and with their paperwork and instructions, then your history will be uploaded. 

3. will get you 20K approved credit and costs $100.00 and your credit doesn't matter you get approved but if its . 

4.  only reports to TU while all the above report to all 3 bureau's. They will call to verify landlord info and your rent is correct but they can be post dated back to 3  years. 

5. need mid 600 s ideally then will get approved for $15,000 primary.  

6.  A CD that earns interest and reports the credit bureau's size you do this would be important ideally $5,000 or more or pass.  The banks can do a similar scenario if you want to call them as well. 

7. Get 5K to 10K for approval for their products, this is a newer one but appears to work only post to transunion 

8. is the same company that does my jewelry club and they do $5k as well for a primary on bureaus. I think 2 not 3 like my jewelry club

IV.  BUYING Authorized User LEGIT PROVIDERS (they have delivered in the past, but they are 3rd party not affiliated at all with us so still make sure you pay with credit card and try to get them to be on your credit as long as possible and be diligent) They have delivered for past clients the very bottom is NEW and SEEMs to be valid legit source that has been started from a previous client so try to get live log in proof before and after which is the only real way to confirm validity. Au s are pretty safe in posting in general but any one selling aged primaries definitely will not be able to prove live log in before after since they now in last 3 years have to have so many 100 to post and need a site visit and bureau's call the clients that are to be posting and then the games is up then so no one's posted an aged primary in 3 years. 

V.  BUYING AGED PRIMARIES  This can be tricky since alot of crooks try to sell these best way to buy is PAY AFTER or make them give you live log in proof before and after. If they can only proof the after then they can't prove anything and its not from them.  IF by chance you do get a legit provider an aged AUTO primary 3 yrs is the absolute best thing you can put on your credit then Revolving then Installment, a mortgage only if its got equity and aged, any mortgage thats not aged or even if some one refinances or buys a house no personal lender will touch them for 12 months just fyi.  If your buying a house before funding your being stupid cause you need the funding to make money and you play your cards right you can buy the house cash, the house is a LIABILITY not an asset. Its only an asset if it makes money and that means lots of units and over 1 to 5M which is the dead zone with single family to quad units and things in this price range is the fastest way to go BROKE. 

Free PRIMARIES, How To Ad Authorized Users For Free, Past Legit Au Providers

Free PRIMARIES, How To Ad Authorized Users For Free, Past Legit Au Providers I. Adding Free Authorized Users.   An authorized user is a ...